Week 9 The Open Boat by Stephen Crane
This story caught my attention right away with the descriptions of the waves and the rough seas that were all around them. I did feel that at times the story did get a bit repetitive, the descriptions made me want to keep reading. As you were reading you were hoping that they would be able to get to shore safely. It seemed everytime they got close something would change their plan. I thought it was funny that cook at the wrong moment asked "what kind of pie do you like best"? They were about to die, but he is still focused on his job of feeding the men. This story helped me relate to times in my life when I thought I had it all figured out, and then something comes along to change the course. I may not understand why it happened at the time but it usually makes sense down the road. I enjoy the nature throughout this piece of work. I feel like I can relate to certain writings when I can vision what the author is getting at through nature.